About Us

Providing insight into the technology M&A trends for companies in Asia.

Our goal is to provide relevant data, analysis and decision-making tools to serve technology companies in Asia. We want to be a resource technology company executives and investors considering strategic growth and exit options in today’s environment.

Asia Tech M&A Webcast

Are you a tech entrepreneur or investor based in Southeast Asia? Do you know your valuation in the current market? Are you considering an exit? Join us for this 20 minute market update to help you choose your next steps...

Updates on: the state of M&A in your region, vertical, technology, or industry; latest valuations; and tactics for a successful exit.


If you are aiming to learn about the key deals and valuations for technology companies in Asia, then you’ve come to the right place. With our report, you’ll get valuable information that will inform the future of your company and educate yourself on the current trends in the market.